Ngāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts

Paemanu: Kāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts (Paemanu Charitable Trust) pursue a vision to cultivate a vibrant Kāi Tahu visual culture for future generations by exploring Kāi Tahutaka through contemporary visual art. Our rōpū has been involved in a range of projects including Paemanu: Nohoaka Toi at COCA in 2017, and Paemanu: Tauraka Toi at Dunedin Public Art Gallery December 2021-April 2022. In 2022 we established the Paemanu Art Collection, which we hope to grow over the years.
We want to strengthen our connections with Kāi Tahu artists, wherever they are in Aotearoa or te ao.
Keep up to date with the Paemanu Whānau Whānui by joining our mailing list. By signing up for our email pānui, you will receive information about Paemanu hui and wānaka, our AGM, and newsletters sharing updates about Paemanu activities and opportunities. Hui and wānaka will be held annually on-line, or kanohi ki te kanohi where possible. Our hui and wānaka are focused on whanaukataka, Kāi Tahu mātauraka, and moemoeā or visioning, where we conceive projects for the future.

Contribute to Paemanu with a koha that goes towards keeping us connected via our website, social media, and email pānui. All contributions make a massive difference. Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu. Kā mihi ki a koutou.
If you wish to donate a koha to support us please use this bank account -
Paemanu Charitable Trust
- include your name and OHAURU as a reference.

Questions and Answers:
I’m a Ngāi Tahu artist so why do I need to donate to Paemanu?
A lot of the mahi we do as Paemanu is funded through contestable funding pools. It isn't always consistent, and is primarily for Paemanu exhibition projects, residencies or wānaka. Most of the administrative work performed by the charitable trust is voluntary. By offering a koha to Paemanu, you support the work we do to keep everyone connected via social media, this website, and regular email pānui.
Please note that joining out mailing list or offering koha does not ensure Paemanu support (financial or otherwise) for your individual projects or funding applications. Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your individual projects and ways we might be able to help. Email: paemanucharitabletrust@gmail.com
I'm not Ngāi Tahu - can I still be involved with Paemanu?
Our wānaka, residencies and exhibition opportunities are for Ngāi Tahu artists. But we value engagement, and support from anyone who is interested in our mahi. You can find out about our activities via this website, our Facebook page, or Instagram. You can also show your support by making a donation.

Join us
Want to join us? Please first send us your details by filling in the below fields and we will add you into our database for pānui. We would also like to feature Ngāi Tahu contemporary artists on our website, please indicate if you are interested and we will follow up with you.